Mystery under the lake: 10,000 year old megalith carved with the image of a mammoth in Lake Michigan

Scientists have discovered a structure of large rocks arranged like the Stonehenge megalithic monument, but not in England but at the bottom of Lake Michigan, USA. Although this structure was discovered in 2007, very few people know about its existence. …

Researchers found an object suspected to be a three-sided pyramid on Mars

A UFO hunter is convinced that the three-sided pyramid-shaped object in NASA’s photos of Mars is the work of aliens. Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, attracted attention when he announced the discovery of a giant three-sided pyramid from …

Discover hidden treasures and buried treasures for dаrіnɡ adventurers

Treasure hunts have captivated the imaginations of explorers, adventurers, and treasure һᴜпteгѕ for generations, with their allure of hidden hoards and ied troves. Daytime treasure hunts, a modern adaptation of age-old searches for moпeу, рet in sparking …

The mysterious Egyptian tablet that is similar to an aircraft control panel

Some Egyptologists aпd theorists believe that this is a replica of a mυch earlier bυt far more advaпced object υsed by Gods aпd Demi-Gods of Egypt. The Mysterioυs Egyptiaп Tablet That Is somewhat resemble aп aircraft coпtrol paпel. пg> After jυst a …

Farmer Stumbles Upon Large ‘Dinosaur Egg’ – When He Looks Inside, He Makes an Eye-Opening Discovery

Follow the Farmer’s Journey as he Unveils the Astonishing Truth Behind the Enigmatic Shell! In a quiet place called deep, there was a farmer named Mateo Suarez. You would think that Carlos Spegazzini is a name and not a place, but it’s not like that. …

Mysterious “star gate” discovered in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Samarkand is a city in Uzbekistan (Central Asia). It is located at the foot of the Alai Mountains, at an altitude of 720 meters. In the southeast, 400 km away, are the famous Pamir mountains. Samarkand was known to the ancient Greeks as “Marakanda”, being …

450,000 years ago, an alien race dominated Mesopotamia

According to the book The 12th Planet by author Zecharia Sitchin, there was a race of people called the Anunnaki from another planet, with extremely advanced technology, who settled in Mesopotamia hundreds of thousands of years ago… According to Mesopotamian …

Buffaloes that trap a lion in a tree try to bite its balls

The lion’s decision to climb a tree to defend itself can be seen as a success given the circumstances. Facing two angry buffalo herds, the lion would be at a significant disadvantage on the ground, as they are animals…

Reveal the secrets of albino animals and over 45 fascinating colorless creatures

Revealing the Secret of Albino Animals: 48+ Enchanting Colorless Creatures Given the abundance of colors found in the animal domain, it can be both disturbing and remarkable to come across a colorless animal. …

Scientists last found chameleons 100 years ago

This chameleon’s camouflage is so good that it has not been seen in 100 years. Until now. This photo taken on Thursday, March 12, 2020, shows a Voeltzkow’s chameleon in Madagascar. Scientists say they have found an elusive…