Scientists last found chameleons 100 years ago

This chameleon’s camouflage is so good that it has not been seen in 100 years. Until now.


This photo taken on Thursday, March 12, 2020, shows a Voeltzkow’s chameleon in Madagascar. Scientists say they have found an elusive species of chameleon that was last seen in Madagascar 100 years ago. Image credit: SNSB/Frank Glaw

Scientists from Madagascar and Germany announced that they discovered several live specimens of the Voeltzkow’s chameleon during an expedition to the northwest of the African island nation.

See the first shots of the lost chameleon species in this video.

In a report published in the journal Salandra, the team led by scientists from the Baʋarian Natural History Collections ZSM said genetic analysis determined that the species is closely related to the Laord’s chameleon.

The LaƄord’s chameleon (Furcifer laƄordi) is a species of selparous chameleon also endemic to Madagascar. It lives only 4 to 5 months, making it the shortest lifespan ever recorded for a four-legged vertebrate. And Voeltzkow’s chameleon is hardly different in that regard.


Image credit: SNSB/Frank Glaw

Scientists believe that both reptiles only live during the rainy season: they hatch from eggs, grow quickly, fight rials, mate, and then die for a few months.

“These animals are basically the mayflies among vertebrates,” said Frank Glaw, curator of reptiles and aphids at the ZSM.

""image"" Image credit: SNSB/Frank Glaw

According to the team of researchers, the female of the species, which had never before been documented, showed particularly colorful patterns during pregnancy, when she encountered males and felt stressed.

Scientists say the Voeltzkow’s chameleon’s habitat is threatened by deforestation.

""image"" Image credit: SNSB/Kathrin Glaw

And from deforestation, not even the slightest camouflage can hide.

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