Kayaker encounters huge python that swallows crocodile whole only in Australia


Photographers have captured a dramatic fight to the death between a snake and a crocodile at Lake Moondarra, near Mount Isa, in north-west Queensland.


Marvin Muller took this photo of the final moments of the epic wrestling match. The entire battle lasted about four hours and attracted the attention of several people with cameras at Lake Moondarra. “A very interesting experience, not something you think you’ll see, but I suppose in Mount Isa, in the outback, you’ll see some very interesting things,” Muller said. (Contributed: Marvin Muller)


Marvin Muller took dozens of shots showing intricate details of the animals’ fight to the death. Now he has sold his photographs to an agency, which has syndicated them all over the world. “I was up until one in the morning uploading them because they wanted to put them in newspapers all over Europe and the United States,” he said. (Contributed: Marvin Muller)


Tiffany Corlis took several photos with her smartphone. The images were quickly shared around the world. She says the crocodile put up a fight, but was no match for the snake. “(The crocodile) was fighting at first, it was trying to keep its head above water and survive. But as the morning progressed, you could tell they were both getting a little weaker as the fight went on, eventually the crocodile gave in.” (Contributed: Tiffany Corlis)


Ms Corlis says she was shocked when the snake started eating the crocodile. “It was just incredible, we were thinking the snake had bitten off a little more than it could chew, pardon the pun, but it actually ate the crocodile.” (Contributed: Tiffany Corlis)

Ms Corlis says the fight attracted a lot of attention, with several people taking photos with their smartphones.


She says everyone got pretty close to the action.

“We were probably a little too brave, a little too crazy,” he said.

She says the sight became even more interesting once the snake finished eating.

“You could see the crocodile in the belly of the snake, which I think was probably the most notable thing,” he said.

“You could actually see his paws and see his scales and everything, it was just amazing.”

Ms Corlis says the incident has not deterred her from swimming in Lake Moondarra in the future.

“I think I’ll send someone else first.”

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