Super rare albino orange dragon raised by a man


Super rare albino orange dragon raised by a man

Developing a relationship with animals is not limited to mammals. Fish, reptiles, insects and other animal species can become your closest friends if you develop a relationship with them.

Ukrainian creative director Alexey Kashpersky’s pet iguana, Tamerlan, is the subject of one such happy tale.

Tamerlan is an orange dragon iguana who is blind due to a rare ailment. Due to the fact that it is a super crimson albino iguana, its skin is orange.

Tamerlan was welcomed into Lexey’s house despite his illness, where he receives the greatest possible care.

Tamerlane’s daily regimen consists of sunbathing, which is important for cold-blooded creatures to regulate their body temperature. Alexey ensures that Tamerlan maintains a healthy lifestyle by pampering him daily from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Tamerlane receives a wash and has his nails trimmed before dinner. She then snuggles with her beloved green stuffed animal, which gives her comfort and peace of mind.

Alexey’s wife is also in favor of having Tamerlan at home, and the iguana adores her. Tamerlane brings joy to their home, and the three of them frequently dine or rest outdoors. Tamerlan likes to listen to Lexey play the guitar, which shows his appreciation for music.

Lexey and Tamerlan have a deep bond, as seen by the way they interact. Lexey says Tamerlan immediately found a friend in him, and it’s an incredible feeling to have such a bond with an animal.

The story of Tamerlan and Alexey proves that reptiles, which are sometimes perceived as deadly and scary, can become your best friend. With proper care and attention, these animals are capable of showing the same love and affection as any other pet.

You can visit their website or follow them on Instagram to learn more about Tamerlan and his relationship with lexey.

Leave a comment or follow their page to express your gratitude and support. It is a beautiful story that will make you realize the love that animals can offer to our lives.

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